Did you know?

… that the average age at BWH is 41.1 years.
… that we sell more than 13,000 interchangeable cleats per year.
… that we use more than 1.0 t of welding rods per year.
… that llamas have been transported in our service vehicles.
… that we load and unload 30,000 t of tools every year.
… that our first rental cutting shoe with the product code MWH WS88-1 now serves as a fireplace.
... that more than 15,000 cups of coffee are made every year in our company.
… that our vehicle fleet circles the earth more than 17 times every year.
… that our company grounds cover an area of 2.0 ha.
… that we deliver to 45 countries around the world.
… that you can lease more than 4 km of casing pipe from us.
… that we have 4 charging stations for electromobility, but no electric car.
... that our drilling devices can, altogether, provide a torque of 5,520 t (5,520,000 Nm).

We train the next generation!

In cooperation with the Bildungswerkstatt in Chemnitz, we are once again giving two young people the opportunity to train as industrial mechanics with us this year. Bruno Dathe and Bruno Luca Heimann (from right) became part of our team in the fall. They will be put to work primarily in the area of machine service and will secure our staffing requirements for the coming years. The apprenticeship is organized in cooperation with the Bildungswerkstatt Chemnitz, so that all training content can be taught and the highest training quality can be guaranteed. The apprenticeship is financially supported by the European Social Fund and the Free State of Saxony.
Additionally, Jaden Dietze began a degree in Industrial Engineering – Metal and Steel Construction in the fall in cooperation with the Berufsakademie Sachsen and us as a practice partner. We are delighted to be able to take this path together with Jaden.

We wish you lots of enthusiasm, skill and success!

Kastanienring 8
09661 Hainichen / Sa.

+49 (0) 3 72 07 65 07 - 0
+49 (0) 3 72 07 65 07 - 50

© Copyright 2024 BWH Bohrwerkzeuge Hoffmann GmbH & Co. KG
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